Your stories, my writing

SEO-friendly website content by Dorothy de Souza Guedes image of woman typing on keyboard

Writing business content is my specialty, particularly the healthcare and real estate industries. You have a story to tell, and I have the talent and experience to write it.

Writing blog posts, website page content, magazine and newsletter articles, press releases, e-newsletters, or social media posts: creating content is my happy place.

Improve your SEO

Improve your SEO with original, updated content that gets search engines interested in crawling your site. Online content is never one and done. Think of online content in terms of dog years: it grows older sooner than you realize. Your content should create the opportunity for an ongoing conversation to keep your products and services top of mind.

Connect with Customers 24/7/365 

Your website serves as your 24/7/365 connection with customers, clients, volunteers, team members, or other stakeholders. Fresh, informative content keeps your existing customers interested in your products and services.

Do you have the time for one-on-one discussions with your customers every time they have an issue or whenever you’d like to share new product information? Not likely.

What about people who don’t even know you provide the products or services they need? Updated content helps potential customers connect their need with what you offer.

Collaborative Writer 

I’d love to collaborate with you to create the content you need in the tone and voice that connects best with your intended audience. Contact me at dorothy at

I look forward to working with you.